Saturday, November 12, 2011

Wow, it's been a year!

I wanted to comment on an old friend's post and had several avenues to choose from of which would identify me as the commenter.  Google seemed the easiest which led to a screen about blogging and quickly redirected to the comment page.  I noticed my sign-in at the top and went to the account to find this long lost!  It has been a year since I had settled to share my thoughts with my love and then NOTHING!  Reasons being that I have several other host sites I have used for various reasons to include preparation for our wedding.  These too have been long neglected as that stage is over with.  I guess I should decide which I should keep and be rid of the rest. 
So what has happened in a year?  Eight months of wedding planning, applying to new jobs, getting hired for one, packing all of my worldly goods, going on a Honeymoon, relocating myself, combining two households, starting new said job, and getting into a routine in my new life.  Oh yeah, there's a puppy in there too.

Oh yeah again, there's a little one on the way, but only a select few know about it yet  :-)

So, as one could reasonably gather, life is good...more than good, life is SPECTACULAR. It has its ups and downs of course, but everyday I have such a sense of amazement at how much God has decided to bless me.  After dealing with six years of mediocre to misery with only the faintest glimmers of joy while feeling the regret from my part in it all as the most of the rest of the pain has healed, I am stunned that the Lord has looked upon me with such favor.  I have an amazing husband and two wonderful kids-through-marriage.  Even the harder times are great because God is teaching me and growing me in ways I never would have before.  Really that is the joy in my life.  It's great that we have a comfortable home, a puppy to grow us even more that I'm determined will be a great family dog some day, and a good job, especially in this economy, to make it all that much more comfortable.  And of course, I AM GOING TO HAVE A BABY!  Chris is such a good father and supporter so I am so excited for what is to come even though so much of it is rather scary.  Everything is catching up to where I had hoped to be in life...maybe a little later than I would have planed, but His plan is always the best...I can't wait!

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