First I have to say that I am ever thankful that despite all, I can still ‘run’. I put that in quotes to represent using the term loosely. Any semi-serious runner takes offense at the term “jogger” because if you’ve ever trained for a race, you soon become a bit addicted and go a little nutso which I’ll blame on the ‘runner’s high’. The running community tends to be a very friendly and supportive, if not a tad obsessive, place so anyone who partakes and makes a genuine effort is dubbed a runner, no matter the actual pace or distance. There is a certain confidence one gains when learning to run. It can be depressing at first, but those who are determined overcome the stumbling blocks that hit newbies and are amazed what they can accomplished with some effort and determination. So…all that to say that even though I’m still rehabbing my Achilles and have run 3 ½ miles max since Feb, I still consider myself a runner. So why the quotes? My OB has restricted me to 150 beats per minute heart rate while exercising. This has slowed my normal running pace by 1 to 1 ½ minutes PER MILE! So a three-mile run that would normally be 27 minutes or less, now takes me well over 30. Oh well…that’s where I started this thing, I am really just thankful to still be able to ‘run’.
Even though fatigue has been the worst of my symptoms, I get up to 3 hours per week, paid, to exercise during work. So I go for a run on average M, W, F. Those afternoons I am left exhausted, but I feel pretty good while out there moving and I know that a healthy heart for me will help my little one have a healthy heart too. That also helps when my Garmin “yells” at me when my HR goes too high…I hate slowing down, but I do because I am doing this for me AND my little passenger.
We’ll see how long I can continue. Some run right up until or on delivery day. Others slow down, especially in the third trimester due to being uncomfortable (and that you can’t have a port-o-loo every 10 yds). I’m hoping to run as long as possible. My other options are elliptical, walking, and I’m looking into getting a gym membership with an indoor pool so I can swim. However it works out, I know I’ll feel better and I’m hoping it will make the rest of this pregnancy go as smoothly as the past couple of months have.
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